Saturday, April 28, 2012

WitL 2012 - Thursday

I am following along with Ali Edward's week-in-the-life project.

Today was a long day at work. I stayed late, finishing notes from a meeting and discussing things with my department chair and friend Jeff. Unfortunately, I didn't get to the gym as I had planned. Since this weekend will be largely devoted to wracking up internship hours, I don't know if I will have time work out then either. This is the story of my week - overcommitment means little time to care for myself. This is a lesson that life has tried to teach me many times, and here I am - still working too much. 
Today I felt the toll. My stomach is nauseous. After spending an hour and a half working on my last paper for this class, I took a moment to check its length. It's 23 pages and still in progress. That and two other weekly papers, plus my internship hours - the frantic nervousness is beginning to make sense. But enough about my over-committing.

Rosalind is having great fun with no homework this week. She had a piano lesson today, but outside of that and some small chores, she had a lot of free time, which is not normal. Sawyer has been very tired in the afternoons. Since he got up at 5:15 this morning, I suspect he will be tired tonight.
Saying good morning

Getting up at 5:15 and taking a shower - my early bird

Waiting to go

Getting the kids out the door and holding Rosalind's music bag

Not helping with the dishes


Listening to the 80s station on Sirius

Arriving home from the store

Setting the table - for people with really long arms

Being happy about the TinTin book that arrived from Amazon today

Assessing my store items - tea for the British tea tomorrow in class, cream and blueberry muffin mix because it sounded good to my upset stomach

Washing hands before dinner

Not washing hands before dinner

Reading TinTin

Making blueberry muffins

Putting batter mix into the bowl and on the counter and even a little on the floor

Laying out ingredients

Leaving some berry juice to flavor the muffins


Reading together


Writing a paper on the achievement gap

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