Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Quilt Finally Done

The quilt I made my MIL is finally finished, and I can now move on to another project guilt-free. I make about one quilt a year, and I guess this quilt is 2007's. It's a pattern called Japanese moons. I made the half circles at The Sewing Studio in one of Jean's classes. I enjoyed spending the day in her workshop, and she even let us come back the next day to work some more, which was a bonus for me with two little ones at home.

My MIL loves her Koi like most people love their dogs. When I saw this pattern, I wasn't sure what I would do with it, but after some thought on my part, it occured tome that a Koi fabric would work well. I couldn't find any Koi-only fabric, but I found this fabric with a pagoda/Koi pond scene that I liked. That was the insipiration fabric. The back is a a patchwork of some Asian-themed fabrics I had in my stash.

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